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What is honey?


Honey is nectar from flowers that the honey bees, apis meillifera, have converted into honey by their actions and by adding enzymes to the nectar. About 99 per cent of honey is made up by different sugars and water, but the one per cent remaining contains a vast number of interesting components. It is not uncommon that a honey sample contains 200 different components. They are proteins, organic acids, enzymes, vitamins and minerals.​

How to store honey?

Crystallised, solid honey is best stored in a dark and cool place, preferably between 10-14 degrees Celcius. Then, it can be stored for many years, even decades, and still be enjoyed both for its flavour and beneficial qualities. Liquid honey is best stored in room temperature. Scandinavian honey is in general rich in glucose (which our brains benefit from). The glucose forms crystals after a while, making liquid honey go solid. If you want your honey to be liquid again, please place the glass jar in hot water for 10-15 minutes or take the lid off and microwave the honey gently. The honey is liquid again at hive temperature, 35 degrees Celcius, and no harm is done to its flavour and beneficial components. Sometimes the various sugars in honey separate after a while. If so, please stir the content and place it in a cooler place (or eat it straight away).


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