
Bidrottningen was established in 2005 when a few beehives were purchased and the first apiary was built. Since then, the business has grown organically to currently owning and managing ten apiaries with approximately 80 hives. We are a proud, family-run company, with two generations working side-by-side.
Our apiaries are situated in the southwestern coastal region of southern Sweden. From April until September, our bees are busy collecting nectar from the flowers of the local native flora, as well as some select cultivated crops, such as white clover, canola and broad bean.
Viktoria Bassani started Bidrottningen in 2005, when she followed her passion and became a professional beekeeper. With a background of and qualification in sensory evaluation of wine, she is dedicated to capturing the unique flavours of different honey varietals, whilst preserving top-quality honey. She has developed this interest further by completing training for the Italian Honey Sensory Analysis specialists in Bologna – the highest acclaim within the honey sensory field in the world.
On top of the blissful work with the bees, Viktoria regularly hosts tastings, courses and workshops all over Scandinavia within the field of sensory evaluation of honey. Since 2019, she is also involved in Eldrimner, Sweden’s national competence centre for artisan food production. Furthermore, she is involved in a few other projects involving quality control of honey by sensory as well as chemical analyses of honey, which includes establishing a reference database for geographical origin of honey.
If you are interested in Viktoria’s bee- and honey-related services, please do not hesitate to contact her via e-mail or phone.

Whether you eat Bidrottningen honey for the pleasant flavour or for your wellbeing, we assure you that we have made every effort to keep all the aromas and beneficial qualities in the jar. Our ethics and values strongly guide our work with the bees and honey as well as our company as a whole. They can be summarised by the points below.

100% natural
All our honey is 100% natural, with no additives. We take care of our honey using traditional methods in order to preserve as much aroma and flavour in the honey as possible. The result is premium honey with maximum levels of enzymes present, making it an effective functional food.
The bees know best
Bees have survived for more than a 100 million years, and therefore we believe that we humans need to be humble - the bees know best. Our work with the bees involves being extremely in tune with the bees ways of communicating, so we can ensure that we can help them meet their needs.
Gentle treatment
Our focus when taking care of the honey is to preserve the amazing flavour of natural honey and the health benefits it holds. Therefore we keep a hands-off approach, equivalent to other premium primary products. We will stay a small-scale operation in order to continue using the traditional methods to bring the honey from the hive to the jar.

Sustainable choices at every stage
Bees are critical in the food source chain due to their pollination efforts. An EU-publication from early 2019 states that 76 % of all food products are directly or indirectly reliant on honey bee pollination. Thus, at Bidrottningen we want to contribute by making sure sustainability is the driving force behind all our choices within the company - from the materials we use, to our work with the bees, to the honey processing, to transports.
We would love to share our passion for GBP and GHP - Good Beekeeping Practices and Good Honey Practices - by having some kind of third party certification. Up until now, we have not found any certification authority that compels to our ethics, wholeheartedly. For instance, to get a Swedish KRAV-certificate we would need to use less durable equipment and source our input materials from a further distance, even from SE Asia. We keep looking for a viable certification option and in the meantime, we are happy to share how we do things with you as we take pride in being transparent.